Please note that Apple Maps does not give accurate directions to our location. You will need to refer to the map on the “Contact Us” page of this website, use Google Maps, or call us for directions.  Also, we no longer use our landline, please call our cell phones at 306-227-7926 or 306-230-4926

Grandora Aquatics specializes in the propagation, production and supply of water lilies, both hardy and tropical, lotus, hardy and tropical shallow water plants, floating and oxygenating plants. Founded in 2009 by Louise and Nigel Hill, the company is located two miles south of Highway 14, a short 15 minute drive from the city limits of Saskatoon. A map is included on our contact page with detailed driving instructions.

Grandora Aquatics operates a heated greenhouse housing production ponds and currently over 3,500 square feet of out door ponds, which are deep enough to overwinter the hardy water lilies, lotus and shallow water plants. The ponds and production facility are open to the public during the summer months. It is always a good idea to call ahead first.

The Hills have cultivated water lilies and aquatic plants for over 25 years at their acreage in Grandora but it is only since the formation of Grandora Aquatics that their plants have been available to the general public.

A wide range of plants are available and information to help in the planting, cultivation and fertilizing of them can be found on our website. We also cover some of the common problems faced by water gardeners, overwintering plants and some suggested solutions.